Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Ten Time Zones to Go!

Do you know how heavy 100 pounds is?  Well, let me tell you, that's A LOT of luggage.  It certainly looked fine when it was sitting in my bedroom.  But as I trapezed through the airport I started having second thoughts.  Foolish Anne, when will I learn?!


I made it safely to DC and this afternoon 74 trainees will board the plane for Kazakhstan.  I guess it is good to travel with so many people who are in the same situation as me, but every one of these flights is heart wrenching. I cried… scratch that… I sobbed yesterday when I left my family.  Today I'll probably do it again when I call home right before leaving the US.  


I'm excited about where I'm going, but I wish Kazakhstan would have wedged itself right between Mexico and Belize rather than staking claim on that spot of land by Russia and China.

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