Thursday, September 30, 2010

Internet, Kaida? (Internet, Where?)

September 23, 2010

Wow! Five weeks and still no internet… I can't believe it! In case
anyone is wondering, yes, it is possible to go this long without the
loverly internet machine… just extremely difficult. I don't miss the
whole facebook addiction, or checking my email three times a day.
Actually, it's kinda nice that I don't have to worry about missing
some really important memo from a professor or a boss because minimal
contact is par for the course here. But I do miss that communication
with my friends at home. I miss hearing about the little things in
their lives, how crazy parking can be or about that weird professor
who refuses to button his shirt all the way. I have no idea what is
going on at home. It's tough.

I think I remember one of my history books talking about this thing
called snail mail from the 20th Century. Maybe I will try to
rediscover the art of penmanship. That or smoke signals.


  1. Oh good, I've been working on my smoke signals!

  2. I love snail mail! its been years since I've done it properly... many people don't write me back. :(

  3. Snail mail can be picked up again and again. It is a contact that can be held forever! Mom
