Thursday, February 17, 2011

My Best Student

February 9, 2011


My best student is a 1-year-old.  Her name is Aidana, to be exact, and she lives with me.  If I've written or talked to you, I'm sure you've heard me mention her.  She is a live-in playtime-pal and she never fails to make me giggle.


When we play, I speak English.  She doesn't talk anyways, so it doesn't make a difference. Why not use the language I'm more comfortable with, right?


I guess she has picked up a thing or two.  Now she wags her finger and says "No, no!" when she knows she's doing something wrong, just like I wag my finger at her. 


What really made me smile was story time tonight.  Her grandma told me they were toddling down the street this afternoon and anytime someone passed Aidana would raise her palm and say, "Hullo!"


If I ever have doubts about the sustainability of my work, I can just look at Aidana and know that long after I'm gone, she will be teaching the neighbors English, one "hullo" at a time.

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